Calling US Justice Department, Please
Many members received the Unity sheet slandering ICE/TJC this week. It was so over the top that we thought we mistakenly sent it out. But no. It was Unity learning at the feet of the UTP.
The question to be asked, though, is how did Unity and Randi secure this mailing list of all our members? And, was ICE/TJC afforded access to the same list to send out their campaign literature? Or was this simply another example of Unity democracy in action; otherwise known as absolute power?
Just when you think you've found the bottom of Unity (DeSantis denying access to mailboxes), they slither a little lower. What some people won't do for reduced air fare, or two pensions.
The question to be asked, though, is how did Unity and Randi secure this mailing list of all our members? And, was ICE/TJC afforded access to the same list to send out their campaign literature? Or was this simply another example of Unity democracy in action; otherwise known as absolute power?
Just when you think you've found the bottom of Unity (DeSantis denying access to mailboxes), they slither a little lower. What some people won't do for reduced air fare, or two pensions.
I think they finally shared the mailing list with ICE, but denied them the email list. I remember reading something on their blog.
Of course, the opposition hasn;t got the money to send out a mailing like that anyway.
Sorry, it's not slander to point out to voting members the real agenda of the candidates.I googled Wainer and Socialist, and so I guess Wainer is slandering himself. As he says in a publication in Socialist Today: “We in Solidarity want to build a revolutionary socialist organization that can organize the work of socialists in the labor movements, educate its members as revolutionaries and Marxists…"
Tell Kitty Kat I don't want to be educated as a Marxist. Tell him he had a responsiblity to tell us his agenda was revolution not a teacher contract.
Socialism would be an upgrade compared to the dictatorship we now have.
What I want to know is... did our union dues pay for this Unity propaganda? It must cost a pretty penny to send something like that to 100,000 people. Where does that money come from? If we are paying for things like this I think an investigation may be in order.
I beleive each caucus pays for any and all mailing, not the UFT or member's dues.
I beleive each caucus pays for any and all mailing, not the UFT or member's dues.
It's interesting the reaction that the flyer got. In our Cafeteria, the secretaries were talking about the flyer , and they were outraged that it came "with" the ballot; in fact, that seemed to be the general consensus with the school in general. A number of people were indignant. Perhaps Unity's mailing may backfire on them.
Not that the opposition stands a chance.
I was surprised by the strong turnout for Ice/TJC in my school. Almost everyone I spoke to voted the ICE/TJC slate except for a handful of Unity diehards.
Yeah, I thought it was funny how my ballot and the IC/TJC slander mailing hit my mailbox the same day. Gotta hand it to those creeps in the propaganda dept. they are pretty slick.
Seriously, does ICE even serve a real purpose other than to drive a wedge within our union? Has ICE ever accomplished anything worthy of mention? And no, a sham presidential candidate in the last election, shoddy quality YouTube films, and heckling during the Delegate Assembly doesn't count.
-Son Of Unity, the next generation
I'll be back!
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