Friday, July 28, 2006

Return To Bountiful, Part 3: Night of the Carnival

While conducting my bathroom/hall duty, I noticed that the clerk passed by a number of times in order to make sure that I was there. I finished the assignment and let myself into 6R to discover that the room was tiny and sweltering. There was an air conditioner in the window, but it didn't work. I sat on the end of the bed and turned on the television hoping to catch up with the latest news only to find that it received one local station. The station's news broadcast centered only on issues that concerned the town of Unity, and most of the stories revolved around what a terrific job the Unity administration was doing.

After a few minutes, I switched off the television and decided to take a walk to cool off. Once outside I felt better. The evening breeze was a welcome change from the oppressive heat of the room.I wandered the town in a random fashion, going up one street and down another until I found myself at the town athletic field where a summer carnival was going on.

The carnival consisted of the usual summer fare; concession stands sold cotton candy and corn dogs, while hawkers attempted to entice passersby into trying their hand at games of skill. The games, I noticed, were unlike any I had ever seen. One that struck me as especially odd was called "Whack a Member." The game was played on a large brightly colored board perforated with 10 inch round holes through which plastic people would pop up briefly. The idea of the game was to "whack" the person before they disappeared back into the hole. Each hole had a little title painted beneath it along with a point score, one hole read "health coverage givebacks-25 points".The higher the total score, the more the player won. I watched a tiny woman dressed in a blazer whacking the smiling figures with glee. She hit one figure, a bald spectacle wearing man, and turned to he companion and remarked, "Now those bastards will have to go back to work after the fourth of July!" Her companion laughed and winked at the hawker."Give the little lady a 15% increase on her prize!" he grinned. "No problem!" the hawker answered handing the woman a pair of discount airline tickets.

Toward the rear of the carnival, I came upon a large red and white stripped tent with a blue sign that read Col. Casey's Oddity Emporium. A pudgy brightly dressed hawker saw me and immediately began his spiel: "You have never see the likes of what awaits you inside!" he began in a slow monotone. "Inside you will find the amazing, the educational and the unusual! You will witness for yourself the incredible shrinking benefits package, marvel at the "Hall of Retirees" that control your very fate! Look with horror upon the "Incredible Money Magnetic" whose well fed body attracts money and who, although retired, is at work more than any working individual! They're all inside and they're all alive!"

I shook my head indicating I wasn't interested in going in to his tent and turned to leave the carnival. As I walked back into the darkness of the street the hawker called after me: "That's not a very Unity attitude!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story tells it all.

8/27/2006 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you going to work in the spring 2007 to vote out Unity?

8/28/2006 2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are at work now to vote out Unity.

8/29/2006 7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the mockery of our Union is helpful in any way at all. The utp is consistently negative and nasty in it's attacks on our Union leadership and Randi. I believe that Randi has done everything in her power to secure the contract that we now have. I must admit that the current contract isn't ideal but given the circumstances I don't think it's that bad either.

8/29/2006 8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The UTP may use "mockery" to make it's points but that "mockery" is what earned the UTP its cult status. The UTP informs educators in a way that is enjoyable to read.

8/29/2006 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than criticize and ridicule our Union do you actually do anything constructive? Are any of you on the negotiating committee? Do you go to rallies to show your support of the Union? Do you offer any solutions to what you purport to be issues of "Union reform"? As far as I can see you offer only mockery and as anon said, " I don't believe that mockery of our Union is helpful in any way at all."
She/he is correct. If you want to improve the Union try offering your support.

8/29/2006 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll support something I disagree with and then I'll wear my winter jacket in August and go ice fishing. Will that make you happy?

8/29/2006 4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The UTP is consistently negative and nasty in it's attacks on our Union leadership and Randi."

Is a democratic reform package calling for elections of district reps, having HS teachers be able to elect their VP, reforming the DA where 300 retired Unity delegates will be seated despite the fact that the opposition got 35% of the vote but no delegates and other reforms negative?

Is serving on a negotiating committee packed with Unity and rigged to get the results wanted by the leadership doing something? How was it decided to have such a committee? By one person and then rubber-stamped by the DA.

Randi established a testing committee years ago and then ignored it. Now she established another one which will get the results she wanted in the first place but she can claim for PR it was democratic.

The UFT needs fundamental reform so it reflects the diverse points of view of the membership. It is possible for 50% or more of the active members to vote against Unity but still have Unity end up with 90% of the Exec Bd seats and all officer positions.

Democracy counts - the misjudgements of the leadership like supporting mayoral control come from the 1 person rule system.

We can change this by building an effective group for change for the png run beyond this year's elections. Then we will start a campaign demanding fundamental change.

I stopped by my old elementary school where I spent 27 years since I was in the neighborhood today. It was around 3pm. There were 8 teachers, 7 I knew from the old days from when I left in 1997 and 1 new one (she got an earful about the union and contract but was assured teaching is great) I'm sure there were lots more that had left already.

We heard the argument during the contract negotiations from supporters "we're in school anyway, why not get paid?"

We pointed out that in elementary schools where setting up a room (crucial to many teachers before the kids arrive on Tues) will not be what they are doing on Thurs & Fri and they would end up coming in even earlier.

But in just a few minutes I got 4 commitments to run with the ICE-TJC slate. I may roam the beach this weekend signing more up.

We need to fill 800 slots to show Unity the folly of this contract. Sign up before they are all gone.

8/29/2006 8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do I join the opposition slate Norm?

8/29/2006 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How do I join the opposition slate Norm?'

Email me at

8/30/2006 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are dissatisfied with the Union then why don't you ALL quit? Most real teachers are happy with the job Randi and Unity is doing. Web sites that use Nazi iconography like flags and eagles and spout anti-union messages have no place in our union to begin with and should be shut down.
We want a democratic union and could do without the destructive influence of the UTP, ICE, TJC and that NYC educator.

8/30/2006 2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL dissenting voices should be terminated.
But until then, we'll be looking for those "real teachers"--on Thursday, Aug.31.

8/30/2006 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a fake teacher I say "UNITY OUT"! Oh and by the way shutting down people who disagree with you is not very democratic... it seems Unity supporters are all Stalinists.

8/30/2006 4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We want a democratic union and could do without the destructive influence of the UTP, ICE, TJC and that NYC educator."

This is one big funny. Nice satire! You should write for the NY Teacher.

8/30/2006 9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone who doesn't want to work in August should go to the ICE blog and get their latest. Then, distribute it in the schools Thursday and Friday. Spread the word about how Randi/Unity gave us school in August and other people told her not to.

8/30/2006 11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6R jobs are just another way to introduce a 6th class.

9/02/2006 4:52 PM  

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