Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Regarding the school year starting August 2006: "Classes, as always, start the day after Labor Day." -- New York Teacher (June 8, 2006) p. 16

In addition, food rations will be increased, as well as the supply of razor blades. We are making great headway in our fight against the common enemy. Thanks be to our great Leader.

Winston Smith


Blogger NYC Educator said...

That's a very interesting article. They whine about not getting Veteran's Day, yet fail to mention the obvious--that during contract negotiations they weere too busy selling their souls to put it in writing.

They make a similar omission about the end of the year, as though they thought Uncle Joel would magically offer a week off, rather than demanding the pound of flesh Randi had so eagerly surrendered.

For less than cost of living.

6/14/2006 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand all the angst being expressed about extra time spent pursuing your chosen "Profession". Okay, so teachers lost a few days off throughout the year but look at how tough the Chinese and Irish laborers had it building the railroads. That was no cake walk either and they didn't even get those vulcanized rubber bagels or warm containers of orange juice that we so readily enjoy on staff development days. You think it was easy back then laying steel and living in makeshift tents crowded with tired men gorged on dinners of beans and cabbage? That must have stunk almost as bad as the scummy deal Unity was so quick to ram down our throats.

6/14/2006 8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop knocking our union's leadership! You know there are people manufacturing sneakers in Indonesia for 75 cents a day, with 4 vacation days. In African diamond mines they work for like 12 hrs a day with no bagels or anything! At least our leadership didn't give in to the city's demand that we work 362 days a year. This contract was actually a great victory. Yeah, Randi gave into every other demand but at least she only gave a way a few essentials. Loss of rights, time, and respect?? Come on thats nothing... wait till the next contract when they want our pensions, and health insurance -- that will give ya somethin' to whine about ya babies! Remember... people in the private sector don't have tenure so neither should we.

6/14/2006 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand all the angst being expressed about extra time spent pursuing your chosen "Profession". Okay, so teachers lost a few days off throughout the year but look at how tough the Chinese and Irish laborers had it building the railroads. That was no cake walk either and they didn't even get those vulcanized rubber bagels or warm containers of orange juice that we so readily enjoy on staff development days. You think it was easy back then laying steel and living in makeshift tents crowded with tired men gorged on dinners of beans and cabbage? That must have stunk almost as bad as the scummy deal Unity was so quick to ram down our throats.

6/14/2006 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Veteran's Day off this year? What's wrong with that? It's wonderful that we get to work 190 days next year, it'll be such a benefit for the children!

I hate the new militancy in our union, I hate that the negotiating committee's "no extra time" resolution was overwhelmingly approved by the delegate assembly. How does such a stance help the children?

I thank my lucky stars that the DA rejected TJC's "no givebacks of anything" resolution. That would have been way too extreme for such a genteel soul as I. What are increases in pension and healthcare costs compared to the children?

And I'm very upset about the rumors I've been hearing that those rabid UTP folks think the union should actually seek to get back the 30 minutes a day we lost in the last two contracts, and to regain our grievance rights. If that ever happened I'm afraid the tears would never cease to flow from mine eyes.

Please, please, please, don't forget the children. It's all for the children!

6/14/2006 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unity Math:

6/15/2006 4:31 PM  
Blogger NYC Educator said...

Unity Math

5 + 1 = 5

A Unity hack came to my school and argued for some time as to why the sixth class was not a sixth class.

My CC now claims the sixth class will never become an official sixth class.

Maybe they plan to give us another class, keep teaching the ones we have now, and start claiming we don't have a seventh class.

6/15/2006 6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some within the UFT think Unity is doing a fine job, unfortunately they are almost exclusively Unity members and not the WORKING rank and file. Recently the Unity call to arms has been about taking the appropriate steps to make the educational environment a more effective place for learning by lowering class size. Now, if they really wanted to help improve the educational environment they would lower the number of Unity scum making contract decisions for us- beginning with their leader.

6/15/2006 6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all of you are on the negotiating committee to make sure this is all happening!

6/15/2006 11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The UFT, represented by the Unity caucus, is in place to act as an advocate for educators. Your criticism of Unity. which you attempt to disguise behind the smoke screen of "reform", is nothing more than an attempt to undermine our union in general and the profession of education in particular. The UTP's bully-boy tactics of intimidation and sarcasm serve only to divide educators and fragment our union. The obvious objective of such fragmentation can only be to weaken our union which in turn limits it's ability to represent educators. I can only hope that most teachers will see you for the destructive and insidious force you have become.

6/16/2006 7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting spin on that one. It's Unity's lies and intimidation tactics that keep this union weak. Unity is doing everything it can to stop this union from becoming more democratic. What are they afraid of? Why does Unity spend so much time and money making sure any other caucus is shut out of this union? Right now our union doesn't represent educators it represents Unity's interests. Apparently they will do anything to keep it that way. I hope all of you see how destructive Unity has been to this union, and our profession. Unity is not the UFT they are a caucus that has a stranglehold on our union, and use it like its their own private party. We pay for their priviledge.

6/17/2006 8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unity is the union?! Unity represents the interests of teachers?! After the last contract fiasco I can't believe that anyone can seriously make that statement. I work in a school where the vast majority of teachers have finally had it with Unity and Randi. Now, more than ever, we believe that changes must be made. This utp site as well as others have become a source for unbiased information about the abuses that go in our union and the information contained on these sites creates a compelling case for complicity between
the UFT and the DOE.

6/17/2006 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Randi is starting to crap in her pants. If only she knew how a lot of schools have really turned against her and want her out. Just wait and see. And we need electronic balloting to keep results fair and square. No more ballot boxes.

6/17/2006 11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like nothing more than to see Randi and her crew of Unity dead beats out on their asses but
I believe the Unity caucus still retains a large enough support base to remain in office.
That is why I think it is important to make as many teachers as possible aware of their failures.
Remember, Unity has access to all teachers with their propaganda rag so we have the sizable task of countering their lies and spin.
Lets use the time wisely.

6/18/2006 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To counter Unity spin we need to reach into every school in the city. One of their main efforts will be directed at new chapter leaders at the fall training where they get them for a few weekends of propaganda and food, a good combo. If you know new independent chapter leaders they should link up with others. UTP/ICE/TJC can act as a clearing house to get them together so they don't get swamped. Have them contact one of the groups beforehand. It would be great to have CL's there who can counter the spin.

6/18/2006 11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Norm, but as others have said, no thanks. A retiree that is so interested in what you "have done for the union" likes to spin things for your own political gain, not the interest of the members. Wasn't that your complaint of the union leadership?

6/18/2006 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great ideas Norm, thank you.

6/18/2006 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So should we, unlike teachers in Mexico, consider ourselves fortunate that our heads are not getting bashed in by government troops? Unity would probably consider that event "professional development".

6/19/2006 8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does Norm have to gain form working to improve this union? Active members on the other hand stand to gain a lot from Norm's efforts to reform this union so it actually represents its dues paying members. A simple "thank you Norm" would suffice.

6/19/2006 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd LIKE to get my head bashed down in mexico.
The whole thing would be over quickly- as opposed to the slow bashing we are getting from our own union with every crummy contract.

6/19/2006 7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many of you talk about this "crummy contract" but I still have to hear the incredible outcry at the DA or elsewhere (except the few people who write here) about it. No big increase in letters in the file, no overwhelming abuse of circular 6 except at schools where principals would abuse any contract, or even the issue of transfers. There seems to be a lot more "fishing" for things but no real outcry.

6/19/2006 11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unity owns the DA-loyalty oath ring a bell? That is why it is important to get independent people elected. With a more independent DA the discontent that exists among teachers can be given a voice- and that is exactly what Unity doesn't want.
If you don't know how wide spread the dissatisfaction is with Unity's performance you are more disconnected than I thought and in for a rude awakening.

6/20/2006 7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would have to be in the teacher's lounge to hear these stories. You would have to be in the pubs on fridays to hear how crummy this contract is. You would have to be in your classroom when a teacher passes by and tells you how disheartening things are and how our union is letting things go to shit. I hear it at other schools too. Unity only visits planet earth to get their paycheck.

6/20/2006 8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's broke, fix it!

How? Send the Unity Gang packin'!

6/20/2006 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: "Spin things for my own politcal gain"

I wish you can show me exactly what I have gained or can ever hope to gain politically. Believe me, I've been searching. Unity people are often confused about why people do things and to them the reason must be some "gain."

After all, Unity retirees actually get something for being involved - per session, extra union jobs, attendance at conventions, etc. The 300 Unity retirees who will be elected in the winner-take-all Retiree chapter elections and used at the DA when needed are probably involved for more than the cheap bagels Tom Pappas serves at the monthly retirement meetings.

If you're looking for a reason for my actions, look no further than – I am just plum crazy.

When Jeff Zahler, head of Unity, offered me an application to join only semi-facetiously back when Ed Notes was pretty Randi friendly in the late 90's, there was my best chance for politcal gain. Why did I not take that route? Probably the same reason - just plum crazy.

6/21/2006 6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or just egotistical!"

Works for me.

Your ego need a bit of pumping up so you will not be so shy as to keep making these wonderfully sly comments anonymously.

6/22/2006 9:23 AM  
Blogger NYC Educator said...

Unity only visits planet earth to get their paycheck.

That's a great line.

And only a recipient of Unity's largesse would have the remotest motivation to defend it.

6/22/2006 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norm: "keep making these wonderfully sly comments anonymously"? There are a lot of anonymous's on this blog? How is it you know who keeps making any comments?

6/28/2006 8:43 PM  

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