UTP Commercial!
Maybe it's time for a change!
Ladies and gentlemen, we're proud to announce the debut of our UTP commercial. Its focus is the exorbitant salary paid to our UFT leader. (See the UTP statement of ideology regarding our belief about union officials' salaries.)
Visit http://www.theutp.com to see the commerical, or link directly to it here: http://www.theutp.com/utpcomm.mov
If you would like to add this to your own site or blog, please let us know and we will send you the source code. I had quite a bit of trouble trying to copy and paste the code to this blog.
(Edit: You can try the below. If you have no luck, send us a message.)
Ladies and gentlemen, we're proud to announce the debut of our UTP commercial. Its focus is the exorbitant salary paid to our UFT leader. (See the UTP statement of ideology regarding our belief about union officials' salaries.)
Visit http://www.theutp.com to see the commerical, or link directly to it here: http://www.theutp.com/utpcomm.mov
If you would like to add this to your own site or blog, please let us know and we will send you the source code. I had quite a bit of trouble trying to copy and paste the code to this blog.
(Edit: You can try the below. If you have no luck, send us a message.)
And it seems that they will vote themselves a well-deserved raise at Monday's Executive Board meeting.
After all, they did a sterling job at the contract negotiations. Not everybody can give up decades of gains in one fell swoop.
They worked long and hard to get 6R assignments, give up the line of defense of letter in the file, add more time to the day, and bring you back in August.
They deserve all that they can vote themselves!
Jeff Brace for Executive Board.
If Jeff Brace were on the Executive Board he would vote NO on the raise. He knows they've done a lousy job. TAKE A STAND! BRACE YOURSELF!
The Executive Board voting to give themselves a raise is enough to make me sick. The whole lot of them should be given a one way ticket to the unemployment line or beating or both.
The teachers in my school in Brooklyn are already going crazy and 6r has not kicked in yet.
WAIT until February when it really hits the fan and I wouldn't want to be in my union delegates shoes for any money. He voted "yes" for the contract despite the schools overwhelmingly "no" stance- He'll be lucky if he makes it to the spring without somebody drumming out his face-
Same thing happened in our school: self-serving Unity Delegate voted YES and tried to convince the whole place. It didn't work, though. 70-80% NO.
February fall-out will be big.
May-June chapter elections will be critical.
Can't we all just get along? Must we continue to name call and run one another down? Sure Randi is a two faced snake that appears to be trying to jump start a political career at our expense but is that any reason to question her sincerity... re okay, maybe that wasn't a good example. How's this one, wasn't it Randi who working behind the scenes echoed the Mayors thoughts on the TWU pointing out "How a strike is no good for anyone.", another bad example.
One more try. Wasn't it Randi who went to Staten Island to support a principal who was discharged? I don't believe that example worked either but Randi WILL end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home! Working together with her Unity collection of failed intellectuals and self absorbed losers they will right ALL THE ILLS OF THE WORLD!!!! They will think FOR us because we are incapable of thought. Yhey will become deeply involved with any cause-but teachers! Let the games begin...OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Randi Randi she's our man, if she can't do it no one can!!!
Why is the UFT failing? Because the leadership will not embrace true union activists, such as Port Richmond H.S.'s chapter leader, Jeff Brace, who was defeated in his bid to the executive board by a vote of 67-4. When Jeff came to PRHS some three years ago he encountered a school ruled by a tyrannical principal and represented by a complacent chapter leader. He ran and easily won election, and he quickly galvanized the staff with his energy and enthusiasm.
Almost singlehandedly (i.e. no support from our DR, etc.) he fought for his colleagues, pursued grievance after grievance, sustained attacks such as having personal information like his ss# published illegally by the principal, and thru his efforts (and several lawsuits that were brought by various parties) our principal left (ostensbily a promotion into the DOE hierarchy).
In any event, Mr. Brace was instrumental in ridding us of an abusive principal, whose replacement, fortunately, is a big improvement.
Thru Jeff's efforts morale in our school turned around. We feel empowered. We have learned not to suffer, but to fight back. That we were union people and not to be pushed around. Despite the lackluster responses from the union's bosses, Jeff created a much nicer working environment for his fellow teachers.
As Randi's footdragging in contract negotiations hit new lows, and the battle of the mailboxes was raging across the city, Jeff stood up for us, made sure that we received ALL the information that was being disseminated. Unity, ICE, TJC, and others were given equal access in our school (although Jeff did have to work hard for the non-Unity info to reach our mailboxes).
A tremendous majority of teachers at our school were AGAINST the tentative contract, and we made that clear to our DR who finally (after how many years...since Al Shanker's time?) came to our school and spoke to a hugely-attended chapter meeting. Since the school's sentiments were clearly AGAINST the contract, Jeff Brace voted NO at the delegate's assembly (even though our DR enticed him with various choice plums if he pushed for a YES vote at our school).
Jeff Brace is a man of integrity, and voted the way his constituents wanted him to. Our long-time delegate voted YES and Las Vegas doesn't give her good odds on her reelection bid.
An organization such as the Unified Teachers Party would not have been established if not for the fire and energy of leaders like Jeff Brace. I am proud to call him my union brother and my friend.
Come on people. We all know activists like Jeff Brace. We need such compassionate and intelligent militants to run for chapter leaders and delegates. And for executive board and union officer, and president. It took nearly 15 years for Roger Toussaint's New Directions party to gain control of the TWU. I challenge the rank and file of the UFT to do it in one!
Jeff Brace- yeah, WE know who he is.
Renegade Chapter Leaders are a dime a dozen in this town sweetheart!
Smell the java there junior-we had guys like
you with us in Korea- and we knew how to take care of them! Send 'em out for donuts-Give 'em the old elbow to the eye. Sandbag em good! yeah, thats the skinny on that!
Why am I envisioning a picture of the UFT executive board squating over toilet bowls with the caption "poised for greatness"? hmmmmmm.
Dear Anon,
Thank you for proving my point about what ails the UFT these days.
You must have a teacher's salary computer.
We all have UFT management salaries.
Works fine too!
We'll see if the Webmaster has a remedy. (It freezes mine too, occasionally.)
Hey, what about the the TWU?
Why nothing on the Dec. DA?
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