Wednesday, December 07, 2005


About ten years ago, our union leadership was throwing down some zeros as a raise. They told us, then, that relief from chores such as monitoring exits, early morning scanning, and cafeteria duty was better than cash. Now, if you've spent any time in the cafeteria basement of a large Brooklyn public high school, you may actually believe that relief from that task is better than greenbacks. You may, in fact, be right. When batteries are whizzing by you as if you were Dave Parker in the Pittsburgh outfield, and when the cafeteria seems eerily similar to a prison exercise yard (haircuts, tatooing, weightlifting, etc.), youmay be quite sure that relief is better.
Ten years have gone by now, and our leadership has done an about face: cash is better, much better! They must've been wrong then; they must be right now.
In our school, our Chapter Committee recently met with our Principal to discuss -- casually and informally -- what we all could expect from the shortened Professional Assignment list. Now, we fought like hell to get rid of our previous abusive administration, and we find ourselves with a more teacher-friendly Principal. We are lucky. There must be countless schools, that aren't so lucky. What will they do? The administration holds all the cards. Our union leadership tells us that they can't give you the assignment two years in a row: well, for many, that's cold comfort indeed.
What was interesting at the meeting, though, was the comment of a young teacher. She has about five years. When she found out that the new teachers and those indanger of getting a "U" could be given PD, she was taken aback. I guess she thought she was safe. She realized, then, that her union had put her in a game of musical chairs: last person standing gets the cafeteria. Her comment was that the union divides us (the rank and file) against each other. Seniority is the answer, of course. Yet, she didn't begrudge seniority, and respected those that paid their dues, she said, but she wondered how our leadership could put its members in such a cut-throat situation. A situation that is so unpleasant, and in some cases so frightening to some, that your colleague would gladly cast you to your fate, as long as they didn't have todo it. Perhaps our leadership thinks that if we are fighting each other, we will not get around to fighting them. Perhaps they just don't care. We know that it's the best they could do. In a similar way, I guess, Dave Parker's teammates didn't want to stand too close to him either. From theupper deck, those batteries could probably kill you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's right, ya know! I'm finding myself basking in my own sense of professionalism!

12/07/2005 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The implimentation of the 6R provision of this contract will be a nightmare. Our union has opened up a pandoras box that will pit teacher against teacher, and lead to chapter leaders being inundated with grievances, requests to see seniority lists, and generally alot of very loud shouting. As the people who voted yes for this piece of crap start to whine I hope someone is there to remind them that this is what they wanted. Our union leadership and our colleagues sold us out for chump change. Before you are tempted to listen to Unity's nonsense about how we shouldn't be divisive, and we should work together to strengthen our union, and overcome our differences think about how they play us, one against another - while they sit back and collect their fat paychecks. Down in the trenches we can smell what they are shoveling, its the same rancid stench that wafts out of the bathroom I will be standing in front of during my "professioal" period.

12/07/2005 9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with Jack Hammer. I look forward to his insightful writing on the UTP home page. He and his colleagues give voice to our frustration and dissatisfaction.

12/08/2005 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are many onerous points to the recently ratified contract, but the return of professional/administrative duties is particularly galling, especially since our union leadership did a complete turnabout on it. In the same breath, it seems, the UFT has the nerve to call itself "A union of professionals." It seems that sitting outside a high school bathroom is part of that professionalism.
Someone's interests are being served here, but I can't believe it's the rank and file's interests. The dues paying members get screwed again.

12/08/2005 7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In his '78 MVP season, Parker made less then 200k and in the hight of his career (35 HR 125 RBI) made less then a million. Kaz Matsui will make 8 million less then 20 years later. Maybe Kaz should get a 6R from the Mets. Serving at the buffet table, scanning bags for road trips...Parker for President

12/09/2005 8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those with time and vision are complaining already.

Wait until the end of February!

Organize! Get ready NOW to get rid of Randi and her foul minions!

All the alphabet people from I .C.E. to T.J.C. and U. T. P. Please find some common ground!

Put any egotism aside.
We need open information, the free exchange of idea, and consensus - not this current setup of secret deals and dictatorship.
Anything less and you've missed the point
and we ALL will suffer more - we will be asked to vote to work longer hours, to and fall further behind in terms of a real pay increase (and not a Cost of Living for more work) and we'll be asked to do even more tasks that aren't educationally based.

Reach out now to our fellow teachers in the grammar schools and middle schools -- NOW!

Pledge that you will set up a system that will not permit "leaders" to fall prey to the goodies that the current leadership is feeding on.

Promise that we will be rid of these "leaders" all over the city who can tell us everything is wonderful while they stay out of the the classroom and long out of touch will reality.


A UFT "brother" from Queens

12/10/2005 11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bring up many good points. The UTP is working in conjunction with ICE, and we are willing to work with any opposition group that shares the goal of reforming our union. While it may seem confusing that there are many different caucuses in our union, I believe this is a good thing. Look what happened to New Action, they WERE an oppostion party that began to gain some influence in the union, and then were co-opted by Unity and bought out. If the opposition consists of many different caucuses working together it becomes difficult for Unity to squash us. Of course, they have already been playing the "divide and conquer" angle, but we have to make sure this doesn't happen. I would like to see oppostion caucuses popping up all over the city like hundreds of dots, then all that has to be done is to connect the dots and we have a viable oppostion. You could consider this a type of leaderless resistance if you'd like to think of it that way. Everyone who is dissatisfied with our unions leadership should actively support an existing caucus and/or start a caucus in their school and work with other groups to spread the message. We will gladly work to assist anyone trying to spread the message that our union needs to be reformed so that it represents its dues paying members. Just for the record the UTP has no "political" ambition, and we are not motivated by "egotism" we are a bunch of rank and file UFT members who feel our union has been hijacked and we want to take it back.

12/11/2005 8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giant headline on the latest issue of the propaganda rag "New York Teacher" reads "FULL SPEED AHEAD-
DOE's delivery of retro checks on Dec.15 brings holiday cheer, but union cautions against rush to implement new contract"
Is Randi out of her mind? Wait until the new contract
kicks in and 6R and everything else is in full swing and watch how fast that "holiday cheer" disappears!
Our cute tiny little "capped" retro checks won't mean much once everyone finally sees what a hosing we took with the last contract.
We MUST ALL begin working together to make the changes needed to TAKE BACK OUR UNION!
I'd like to tell Randi what she can do with my retro check and I'd like to thank her for giving us all such
a terrible contract.
The only bright spot I've discovered in all of this is just how many of my fellow teachers in Brooklyn feel
the same.

12/11/2005 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randi needs to go !

12/13/2005 5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 6R carnage has begun, and the fallout will be huge. Randi might even get some on her shoes. The membership was misled by the leadership. They were told only the new teachers will get the jobs, and that the jobs--professional or administrative--would be one year on and one year off. None of this is true. First it was an additional 20 minutes, then 10 more, now an assignment every term....Please just give me the 6th class too, and let's get it over with.
Sell-out Randi must go.
Unity must be destroyed.
When will our union represent us...?

12/14/2005 6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that 6R is about to become a reality yet another
stone is overturned to reveal another slimy nugget of misinformation left us by our union president and her unity lackeys. If I remember correctly when the contract was being rammed down our throat the 6R situation was described as being in reverse seniority order with a one year on one year off schedule. Meaning if you perform one odious duty for a year you couldn't be assigned the same duty the next year. Well guess again, after this had been touted by the District Representatives-all of whom make their home in Randi's pocket-it now turns out that this is not the case at all. I can honestly say I saw this one coming and that is one of many reasons I voted against the contract. I don't trust unity. I don't trust Randi-The entire Unity set up of the UFT is a sham democracy with a vindictive, arrogant demigod at the head. As a work force teachers really need to wake up!
Randy and Unity must go.

12/14/2005 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The writing is on the wall. Unity's time has come. We are tired of being deceived and coerced by people we pay to represent us. Its time to make this union more democratic, dues paying members should have more of a voice. We need to have District Representatives elected by the members. We need to put an end to retirees voting in union elections, we need to put an end to the weak and lethargic leadership that is sucking the life out of our union.

12/15/2005 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/15/2005 5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/15/2005 6:26 PM  
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